Building: Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo Street, Poznan
General contractor: SKANSKA
Sub-contractor: Kompania Drzewna Dariusz Kozera, JEDYNKA-2PS, SZLIF Grzegorz Glazinski
Time limit: November, 2004
We began with cleaning the floor. Next, the floor was stained with D3074 WAKOL priming paint diluted with water 1:1. 24 hours after staining, we began sticking 5mm cork to the floor with the use of K486 WAKOL glue. After 12 hours we stack maple three-layer parquet (by STOLARKA WOŁOMIN S.A.) with K415 WAKOL glue. Two weeks later we put natural MAJSTER oil (by TRIP TRAP) with a rubber stopping knife. Having put the oil we smoothly spread the oil with a polisher.